The first passenger shipping company worldwide that follows the international GRI Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative. Attica Group published the 8th Corporate Social Responsibility Report for the year 2016, in accordance with the GRI Standards’ guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (Accordance level «Core»). With this publication, Attica Group becomes the first passenger shipping company worldwide whose Report is in accordance with the GRI Standards.
The Report presents transparently and clearly all actions that the Group undertakes, the progress accomplished, as well as those sectors that need improvement, thus, constituting the basis for further dialog on issues of Corporate responsibility with all Social Partners.
This Report is the capstone of an effort supported by all of the Group’s employees and in which 200 quantitative indexes are mentioned (compared to 185 the previous year) and 33 future targets are presented (compared to 24 the previous year).
Commenting on the publication of the 8th Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Attica Group, the CEO of the Group Mr. Spyridon Paschalis underlined:
«Through our operation all these years, we strive for the constant development and evolution both of the sector and our country’s economic activity, especially during the current period, due to the special challenges that stem from the constantly changing national and international environment. For this reason, we recognize the need to participate actively in further diffusing responsible business practices. Our main pursuit is to continue our efforts in the sector of Corporate Responsibility that constitutes one of the six values of our Group.»